Requesting Poses

POSE Application Request:

Not finding a pose that you want or need for your story? Simply follow the instructions below and fill out the request application to get started!
  1. Please email ALL pose requests to, and please make the subject "Pose Request" so I know to look at it right away. Please do not make requests in comments.
  2. Please try to keep pose requests minimal for the time being since I'm just starting this out. In other words, please don't ask for 5 or more poses or an entire scene of poses for your first request, simply because there may be others ahead of you with requests and it could take me some time to get it done. Please remember that I'm just starting out at this, and I do have my own stories to attend to as well, patience is key. :)
  3. I am open to all and any requests, no judgement here! Mature, normal, couples, singles, toddlers, children, violence, etc, I really don't mind the request. I've been known to use any or all of the examples listed in my stories, too.
  4. Lastly and most importantly, please give me credit, and please do not use my poses and tweak them or use the original to alter them in any way. If you want a different pose than what I have, simply ask and fill out a request application or just ask me to tweak it to how you want it.
(please copy, paste, and fill out the information within the email)
  • Who is this pose for? Toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder?
  • What type of pose is it? Male, Female, couple, adult and child/toddler..?
  • What do you want them to be doing? 
  • What emotions do you want on their face(s)? Angry, sad, happy, shocked..?

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