Sunday, February 16, 2014

10 Couples Poses

i used these poses as a reference

  • for pose #8, i used this wedding ring box
  • don't reupload
  • don't claim as your own
  • poselist compatible
  • have fun!


  1. Love it!!! The one where they are hugging is my favorite!

  2. Holy hello these are amazing! Really well done. Love them all and I know they will be used. My favorite was the hugging also.

    1. Aww, thank you! I so happy they can be put to good use! <3

  3. I have a weakness for couple poses, thanks for sharing them, they look awesome!

  4. Eeee! I'm finally getting around to downloading these. I had seen them and loved them around the time you posted this, but I was trying to stop downloading every pose set known to man until I knew I was going to use them, LOL.
    That being said, yesterday, I was looking at these again, and it helped spur on what I wanted to do in my next chapter of Echoes of Eternity. My favorites are those sexy ones where the girl's crawling on the guy. ^_^
    Thanks for sharing them! :)

    1. Aww thanks! I'm happy that they came in handy for a chapter of yours! :D

  5. You make wonderful poses! :D I really like this set.

  6. Have become some of my favorite poses! Thank you so much MrsOggieBoogie!

  7. OMG these are perfect! Stupid Erin actually accepted Nicks proposal when I wanted her to reject it. To try and make sure she said no I gave her commitment issues AND dragged hers and Nicks relationship bar right down! Now I need a proposal for the story! XXX

    1. Ohh thanks so much! I'm really glad that you like them! That's awesome that you found good use for these poses! :D
